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RAS Young Professionals Luncheon

From 18 May, 2016 12:00 until 18 May, 2016 13:10

At Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre, Level 2, Room 24/25

2nd Floor: Room 24/25
SWCC Floor Plan


RAS is pleased to arrange this Networking Luncheon for Members attending ICRA 2016 in Stockholm, Sweden. Space is limited for this popular event. Don't miss the chance to attend because the space has been filled. Advanced registration is required. The cost is $5 per lunch.

REGISTER NOW! https://www.regonline.com/builder/site/Default.aspx?EventID=1828250

Under the umbrella of IEEE Young Professionals program, the Robotics & Automation Society (RAS) is further empowering its young professionals through the RAS Young Professionals (YP) group. The 2016 YP Lunch at ICRA will feature some recent "RAS Early Carrier Award" recipients, who will give edifying insights into their approach to robots, R&D, science and life., and a 2016 IEEE Fellow.

Our distinguished Speakers are as follows:

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Danica Kragic - IEEE Fellow
"For contributions to vision?based systems and robotic object manipulation"



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Dimitry Beresnson - 2016 RAS Early Career Award Recipient
"For contributions to the theory and implementation of robot motion planning and manipulation"



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Ludovic Righetti - 2016 RAS Early Career Award Recipient
"For contributions to the theory of, and experiments in, robot locomotion and manipulation"



For additional information please contact the Chair: Arash Adjoudani