RAHA 2016- Call for Papers Deadline

On 24 Jun, 2016
Categories: Deadlines

The aim of the inaugural International Conference on Robotics and Automation for Humanitarian Applications (RAHA) is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, industry professionals, and humanitarian workers to share knowledge about technological tools, methodologies, and applied robotic and automation solutions for humanitarian applications. December 18-20th 2016, Amrita University, Kerala, India

The conference  aims to connect technological innovators and humanitarian field workers, creating a link between fields that often are considered separate and unrelated. Together, the conference attendees will identify gaps in knowledge in the field. The conference will initiate a dialogue to alleviate the suffering of those less fortunate, which will then increase the effectiveness of humanitarian efforts on the ground.

The conference will include a technical program of reviewed papers, as well as invited leaders in the field who will present papers on major topics. There will be a panel discussion, workshops, poster sessions, a PhD forum, industry exhibits, and a contest for undergraduate and graduate students.

Topics of Interest

  • Robot assisted search and rescue. Inspection and structural assessment of critical infrastructure
  • Rehabilitation and assistive robotics
  • Nuclear site monitoring, decommissioning, and hazardous waste cleanup. Search and rescue
  • Fire fighting
  • Agriculture
  • Demining
  • Inspection and structural assessment of critical infrastructure
  • Floods, landslides, and earthquakes
  • Education and learning
  • Rehabilitation and assistive systems
  • Medical and surgical
  • Automotive safety


Call for Papers Deadline: 24 June 2016
Competitions Submission Deadline: 18th August 2016
Finalist Announcement: 9 September 2016
Final Rounds: 19 December 2016

For more information, go to: http://raha2016.org/

Technical co-Sponsorship by IEEE RAS