
Robotics research has significantly advanced ourn knowledge base. The future of robotics research and its impact largely depends on broader collaboration between researchers in various fields (e.g. engineering, science, arts, business, law etc.) and end-users in various market domains (e.g. the manufacturing industry, healthcare, agriculture, consumer, civil, commercial, logistics and transport). Such collaboration has the potential to generate huge impact by developing solutions to end-user driven challenges, which will also advance the state of the art of robotics research.

Substantial progress in robotics research is being made very quickly. On the other end of the spectrum, the pace of applying intelligent and autonomous robots in real world applications is slow. We have not seen many intelligent/autonomous robots that have been practically deployed or available in the market. In particular, there is a huge gap between Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) 6 and 7, at the transition between research and technology development on one hand and product and solution development on the other. Part of the reasons for this could be that robotics researchers may not fully appreciate the challenges related to applying research in real world applications, and the collaboration between academia and end-users is not appropriate enough.

The Technical Committee on Robotics Research for Practicality was created to have a forum that facilitates discussions on the ways to address the challenges in the robotics research community.

  Mission & Vision:

Our vision is to be at the leading edge in providing comprehensive and exceptional forums for robotic researchers and practitioners to fully comprehend and appreciate the challenges in and importance of applying intelligent and autonomous robots in real-world applications. As such, we strive to:

  • effectively communicate the importance of being practical in robotic research;

  • critically reflect on the challenges, beyond scientific research, in applying robotics research to practical applications, and at higher Technology Readiness Levels (TRL);

  • discuss enabling methodologies that facilitate real-world applications of robotics research;

  • discuss feasible ways to develop intelligent robotic systems that can be practically deployed; and

  • discuss effective ways for academics and end-users' to collaborate.

  Strategic Plan:

Our strategic plan is to undertake the following to achieve our goals and mission:

  • Regularly organize workshops, invited/special sessions and symposiums at conferences, including joint activities with other TCs

  • Organize special issues in journals

  • Developing an informative and frequently updated TC website

  • Organize talks/speeches for various audiences within and outside RAS

  • Inspire an increasing number of researchers and practitioners to become active members of this TC

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