RAS Panel of Conference Organizers (POCO)

Conference timelines, Concentration Banking Accounts, Budgets, Whether to hire a meeting planner, Conference Closings, Hotel Contracts, Insurance, Tax Issues— organizing a conference can be a daunting task, especially a large conference like ICRA or IROS involving a thousand people or more. Anyone who is involved in organizing an IEEE Conference is urged to attend and get answers to your questions about the organization, requirements, logistics and finances of conferences, both large and small.

The RAS Panel of Conference Organizers (RAS POCO) will take place on Monday, 6 May from 9:00-14:00 during ICRA 2013, in room SR3-Konzerthaus in Karlsruhe, Germany. Lunch will be provided by RAS.

Tentative AGENDA
09:00-09:15 - Opening Remarks for the Mini POCO - David Orin
09:15-09:45 - Conferences in RAS - Nikos Papanikolopoulos
09:45-10:15 - Conference Initiation and MOUs - Kathy Colabaugh
10:15-10:45 - Conference Timeline & Checklist - Nikos Papanikolopoulos
10:45-11:15 - Conference Basics - Nikos Papanikolopoulos
11:15-12:00 - Conference Finance and Closing - Ron Lumia
12:00-12:30 - Working LUNCH
12:30-14:00 - How IEEE MCE can assist Organizers - Alicia Zupeck
14:00 - Q&A


Please register for this FREE workshop on-line

Or register by email: ras@ieee.org



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