T-MRB Call for Papers

On 15 Jul, 2022

Interaction Sensors for Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery

This Special Section aims at presenting contributions on sensors for monitoring and rendering physical interaction to increase perception in surgical robotics, such as, for example, force/torque, contact, proximity, virtual sensors and their corresponding feedback devices. This Special Section will contribute to clarify the field, help defining the promising technologies and their applications, and list the progress in using interaction data to simplify surgery tasks. Interaction among sensors and new haptic devices for increasing perception in surgeons are others interesting aspects included in the topics of the special issue/section. 

Topics include, but not limited to:

  • Force/Torque Sensors for Surgical Robotic Instruments; 
  • Force Feedback, Estimation and Measurement; 
  • Optical Fibre Sensors;
  • Tactile and proximity Sensors;
  • Vision and Virtual Sensors; 
  • Design of Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (MEMS) Load Cell for Surgery; 
  • Strain Gauges and Fibre Bragg Grating (FBG); 
  • Multi-Axis Force Platforms and Stewart Platform; 
  • Suture Tensile and Tool-Tissue Interaction; 
  • Smart Instruments and Tissue Palpation; 
  • Flexure Hinge and Force Decoupling. 
  • Modelling, Control and Design of Micro Force/Torque Sensors; 
  • Machine Learning and AI for Sensory data Analysis and Validation; 
  • Disposable Sensors and Sterilization; 
  • Design of Haptic Devices with Force and touch rendering for Telesurgery;
  • Interaction Among Sensors for Perception in Robotic Surgery.

Manuscripts must be submitted on-line, through the IEEE submission procedure, available at: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tmrb-ieee. 

Authors should follow the regular procedure to submit a paper to T-MRB and they must clearly specify in the cover letter that the submission is intended for possible inclusion in the Special Section entitled “Interaction Sensors for Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery”.

Guest Editors: Prof. Paolo Fiorini, University of Verona, Italy, and Dr. Giovanni Gerardo Muscolo,  University of Verona, Italy. 

Deadline for papers submission: 15  July 2022

Publication date: Volume 5, Issue 1 (February 2023) 

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