
IJRR Special Issue on "Foundation Models and Neural-Symbolic AI for Robotics" - Feb 2024

The field of robotics has witnessed unprecedented growth in the integration of machine learning models, especially with the recent advent of foundation models, neural-symbolic AI, generative models (large language models, diffusion models, etc), and other emerging learning models. These methods have revolutionized various tasks in computer vision, natural language processing, computer graphics, etc. However, their application in the context of robotics remains underexplored. This special issue (SI) is to fill this gap and bring together leading researchers and practitioners in robotics to shed light on the latest advancements, methodologies, and best practices in this interdisciplinary domain. This SI aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current landscape, from the underlying theories and in-depth reviews to the forward-looking perspectives, practical implementation, and real-world challenges. By fostering a holistic understanding and promoting collaboration between experts, we aspire to accelerate the adoption of these advanced models and drive the next wave of innovations in robotic systems, including but not limited to robotic perception, cognition, planning, and control.

Special Issue in The International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR)

More information can be found here.

CDC 2023 Special Session on Control with Learning for Autonomous Robots

6 formal papers were selected and published.

Organizers: Lin Zhao, National University of Singapore; Chen Wang, TC co-chair

More information can be found here.

ICCV 2023 Workshop on Robot Learning and SLAM

This workshop consists of a seminar and a challenge on robot learning and SLAM. We aim to present the latest results on the theory and practice of both traditional and modern techniques for robot learning, robot perception, and SLAM. A series of contributed and invited talks by academic leaders and renowned researchers will discuss ground-breaking perception and mapping methods for long-term autonomy based on current cutting-edge traditional solutions and modern learning methods. The workshop will also discuss the current challenges and future research directions and will include posters and spotlight talks to facilitate interaction between the speakers and the audience. We plan to have a hybrid format with in-person speakers/attendees and a live broadcast to convey the message to a broader audience. The workshop was successfully held with the number of participants surpassing the meeting room’s capacity! Additionally, over 3,000 viewers tuned in on YouTube in just three days!

The workshop was successfully held with the number of participants surpassing the meeting room’s capacity!

More information can be found here.

IROS 2023: Workshops and Grants

Workshop on Towards Long-term Marine Robotics

Workshop on Learning Robot Super Autonomy

Workshop on Robotic Perception and Mapping

Workshop on Differentiable Probabilistic Robotics: Emerging Perspectives on Robot Learning

ICRA 2023: Workshops and Grants

3rd Workshop on Representing and Manipulating Deformable Objects

Workshop on Computer Vision for Wearable Robotics

Workshop on TIG-IV: Agri-Food Robotics–From Farm To Fork

Workshop on Human-Robot Teaming: From Data To Systems

Workshop on Geometric Representations: The Roles of Modern Screw Theory, Lie algebra, and Geometric Algebra in Robotics

Workshop on CoPerception: Collaborative Perception and Learning

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