T-ASE Author Checklist for Accepted Papers - Final Manuscripts

Thank you for your contribution to the Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. This page contains instructions and other information needed for final manuscript preparation are detailed below.

Potential Publication Fees

Please note that for submissions that exceed the page limits below, there is a mandatory overlength charge of $175 per page. 

  • Regular: 8-12
  • Communication Item: 6
  • Topic-Based & Conference-Based Special Issues: 8-12
  • Review: 8-12

The page count above is based on the final typeset length, which includes figures, bios, author photos, and all other elements of your paper, and not on manuscript length. By submitting your final files to ScholarOne Manuscripts, you are agreeing to these charges. Please note that there is also a voluntary page charge of US $110 per page

Final Files Requirements 

As you prepare your manuscript for final submission, please take care to address the following:

  • Please include a cover letter listing the status of your paper 
  • To put your contributions into the context of the most recent research, please make sure your Related Work section includes relevant references that have appeared in the past two years in conferences and journals. When possible, please cite the archival journal version of papers, which are more comprehensive than their conference versions.
  • Please consider including multi-media with your paper so that others can build on your results. This can include datasets, presentations, and illustrative videos. Additional information on file types and requirements can be found on the IEEE Author Center Prepare Supplementary Materials page (https://journals.ieeeauthorcenter.ieee.org/create-your-ieee-journal-article/prepare-supplementary-materials/)

Please follow the Final Files submission instructions in ScholarOne carefully. Please Upload the Required Files Below at Step 2:

  1. A final version of your manuscript in PDF format named "FINAL VERSION.PDF"
    • You MUST submit your final PDF as an individual file.
    • The final PDF and source files MUST match.
  1. Source file(s) for your manuscript
  2. Supplementary materials such as datasets, presentations, etc. (optional)

Once you have submitted your final files you will also need to complete the Electronic Copyright Form. A transfer copyright link will appear in your author center next to the paper in the "manuscripts with decisions" queue after successful submission of your final materials. Failure to submit this form may result in publishing delays. 

Additional information, including templates and copyright form types can be found at the IEEE Author Center (https://journals.ieeeauthorcenter.ieee.org/)

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