Robots for Unstructured Environments Cluster Forum

Title: Latest Advances in Robotics for Unstructured Challenging Environments

Date/Time: Tuesday 14 May, 18:00-20:00

Venue: Annex Hall Room 204


Registration: Click here!


Welcome from Forum Chair: Professor Yang Gao, Head of Centre for Robotics Research, King’s College London, UK.

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0:00-0:05: Opening and introduction by Forum Chair Yang Gao 

0:05-0:30: Talk 1: Deployment of Robots into Demanding and Long-lasting Environments, Barry Lennox, University of Manchester, UK

0:30-0:55: Talk 2: Demonstration of soil transportation work using multiple automatic small heavy machinery, Toshinobu Takei, Seikei University, Japan.

0:55-1:20: Talk 3: Advances in Robotics for NASA’s Planetary Science Exploration, Vandi Verma, NASA-JPL, USA.

1:20-2:00: Panel discussion chaired by Yang Gao with panelists including Barry Lennox, Vandi Verma and Genya Ishigami. 


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