Homo Roboticus: Creating Synergies Between Man and Robots

Homo Roboticus

 Written By: Bram Vanderborght, An Jacobs, Michel Maus, Lynn Tytgat and Romain Meeusen

History teaches us that technology has the power to strengthen economic growth and transform societies. This will be more than ever the case with the emerging robotics and artificial intelligence. For current and future societal challenges, technology will be an important part of the problem-solving process for example to face the aging population, rising health costs, the need for healthier and better work, the environment, climate change, mobility and the energy issue. At the same time, new and very important challenges are emerging, which is to ensure that robotization and artificial intelligence continue to benefit people and society. To achieve this objective, in the book Homo Roboticus 10 policy recommendations for an inclusive robot agenda are proposed.

As Darwin was well aware, it’s not the strongest animal that survives, but the one that is best fit for its environment. This means we will have to continue adapting to the emerging trend of robotization. Let us not underestimate the capabilities of mankind. We have millions of years of evolution behind us, evolution which robots are yet to undergo. Both cognitively and physically, the human ‘machine’ is much more impressive and complex than its robotic counterpart. Yet our bodies also have their limitations and we face social challenges.


English version of the book is now available on Amazon.  

More info and book: www.homo-roboticus.be

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