IROS 2015 Award Winners Announced

The IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2015) was held 28 September – 2 October 2015, in Hamburg, Germany. Congratulations to the following winners - announced on 1 October.

IROS Distinguished Service Award
To recognize individuals who have performed outstanding service for the benefit and advancement of IROS.
Toshio Fukuda - "For his outstanding services in founding and supporting IROS conferences"
Tzyh-Jong Tarn - "For his outstanding services to IROS Advisory/Steering Committee and IROS conferences"

IROS Toshio Fukuda Young Professional Award
DSC 6654To recognize individuals in the early stage of their career, who have made an identifiable contribution or contributions which have had a major impact on the robotics field.
Rainer Bischoff - "For his technical contributions to the personal robotic assistant HERMES and his effort in uniting the European robotics community"



IROS 2015 Best Paper Award 
To recognize the most outstanding paper presented at the conference, based on quality of contribution, of a written paper, and of the oral presentation. 
Xin Alice Wu, Srinivasan Suresh, Hao Jiang, John Ulmen, Elliot Wright Hawkes, David Christensen and Mark Cutkosky
"Tactile Sensing for Gecko-Inspired Adhesion"

IROS 2015 ABB Best Student Paper Award
To recognize the most outstanding paper authored primarily and presented by a student at the conference, based on the quality of the contribution, of the written paper and of the oral presentation.
YuFeng Chen, Elizabeth Farrell Helbling, Gravish Nicholas, Kevin Ma and Robert Wood
"Hybrid Aerial and Aquatic Locomotion in an At-Scale Robotic Insect"

Best ICROS Application Paper Award
Sponsored by the Institute of Control, Robotics, and Systems (ICROS)
Nishanth Koganti, Jimson Gelbolingo Ngeo, Tomoya Tamei, Kazushi Ikeda and Tomohiro Shibata
"Cloth Dynamics Modeling in Latent Spaces and its Application to Robotic Clothing Assistance"

JTCF Novel Technology Paper Award for Amusement Culture
This award recognizes practical technology contributing to toys, toy models, and amusement culture.
Sponsored by the Japan Toy Culture Foundation
Gilad Refael and Amir Degani
"Momentum-Driven Single-Actuated Swimming Robot"

RoboCup Best Paper Award
Sponsored by the RoboCup Federation
Kegui Wu, Wee Sun Lee and David Hsu
"POMDP to the Rescue: Boosting Performance for Robocup Rescue"

posted 29 October 2015



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