Member in the News: RAS Member involved in the launch of the United Nations Roadmap on Digital Cooperation

Edson PrestesIEEE RAS Member and Volunteer, Edson Prestes, Federal University of RioGrande do Sul, Brazil, has been involved in the effort to launch the United Nations Roadmap on Digital Cooperation. Join in on the virtual presentation of The United Nations Secretary-General’s Roadmap for Digital Cooperation which starts streaming today (11 June 2020, 13:30 – 15:30 EDT)

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres will launch his Roadmap for Digital Cooperation at the President of the General Assembly’s High-Level Thematic Debate. Joined by Heads of States and political leaders, technology industry CEOs, Eminent Persons and Civil Society leaders, the Secretary General will then kick-off a series of high-level virtual events elaborating on the Roadmap and its implementation.

The event will be broadcasted at:

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