Student Travel Grants Available for ICRA 2022 Standards Participation

The IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS) is interested in encouraging students to play an active role in existing robotics standardization efforts. To help encourage student participation, funds have been set aside to provide partial travel support to students interested in attending the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) in Philadelphia, PA on May 23-27, where numerous IEEE robotics standardization meetings will be held. We expect to award 3 - 4 travel grants for $1,000 each. While this will likely only support a fraction of the students’ travel expenses, it is hoped that this will make it a little easier for students to attend. Priority will be given to students that would not have otherwise attended ICRA (e.g., do not have a paper accepted), and priority will also be given to undergraduate students. You do not need to be an IEEE member to apply.

Travel awards will cover conference and/or workshop registration and partial reimbursement for lodging and travel. Reimbursements will be processed after attendance at ICRA 2022. Funding will be contingent on ICRA 2022 occurring physically (not virtually only). Selected students will be expected to participate in the full-day International Robotics Standards Coordination Effort meeting likely to be held the day before ICRA (22 May), as well as participate in at least one standards working group meeting. Students will also be required to write a 2 - 3 page report, submitted to IEEE RAS, describing their experiences at the conference and how they expect to use what they learned.

Any questions can be directed to Dr. Craig Schlenoff (Associate Vice President of Standardization in the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Industrial Activities Board) at

Applications are due 1 March 2022 with notification of acceptance expected on or around 15 March 2022.

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