Call for Participation to RoboSoft 2022 Workshop on Soft Aerial Robotics


Soft Aerial Robotics 

What:  5th IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft) 2022

When: April 4, 2022

Where: Edinburgh, UK

How:   hybrid and in-person


We invite participants to submit posters of relevant work with a 100 - 200 word abstract. The accepted contributions will be posted on the workshop website but they will not appear in the official IEEE proceedings. The reviewing is single blind by a committee formed by the workshop organizers and invited speakers. We welcome any poster format in stand size. A poster template of A1 (23.4 x 33.1 in ) PPT can be downloaded here.

The best posters would be awarded a prize with certificates.

Accepted contributions will have the opportunity to present their work in a poster session at the workshop.

Please submit both your poster and abstract by sending it as a .zip file directly to

Important Dates

Poster submission deadline: 15th March, 2022

Notification of acceptance: 22th March, 2022

Workshop day: 4th August 2022 (Half Day)

==== Workshop Overview ====

In recent years, the field of soft aerial robotics has benefitted from the utilization of reconfigurable, flexible, soft, and morphologically adaptive structures. This workshop highlights the current and future utilization of soft and morphologically adaptive structures in aerial robot related applications: such as  (1) improving maneuverability and flight efficiency; (2) multi-modal mobility across terrain interfaces and fluid boundaries; (3) robustness to landing and collision; (4) manipulation, perching, resting, and energy management in complicated environments; (5) bio-inspired aerial construction and nesting; (6) bio-hybrid flying structures, biodegradability; (7) self-regeneration and self-healing. The workshop aims to host the leading researchers in the fields of bio-inspired, reconfigurable, morphing, and soft aerial robots to create a dialogue on state of the art, identify technical/conceptual barriers, and outline key challenges and opportunities for soft aerial robotics. The workshop will outline instances where inspiration from biology is utilized to develop the next generation of aerial vehicles. Highlighting various enabling technologies and system features desired in novel aerial robots, that can perform multi-capabilities, multi-modal tasks, and autonomously operate in real-world conditions.

==== Invited Speakers ====

-- Mark Cutkosky - Stanford University, USA

-- Anibal Ollero - University of Seville, Spain

-- Dario Floreano - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland

-- Kyujin Cho - Seoul National University, South Korea

-- Masayuki Inaba - The University of Tokyo, Japan

-- Luca Carlone - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA         

-- Kevin Chen - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA             

-- Mirko Kovac - Imperial College London, UK


==== Organizers ====

- Pham Huy Nguyen - Imperial College London, UK

- Begoña Arrue - University of Seville, Spain

- Anibal Ollero - University of Seville, Spain  

- Mirko Kovac  - Imperial College London, UK

- Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa)

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