IEEE RAS Distinguished Lecture at MSU

Motion of Soft Robots with Physically Embodied Intelligence

Location: Michigan State University, Wells Hall, Room B122
Date: 13 March 2019
Time: 13:30 - 14:30

The RAS Student Chapter at MSU would like to invite you for a robotics seminar on Wednesday,13 March 2019 at Michigan State University (East Lansing, MI). We will have a special lecture from Dr. Kyu-Jin Cho, who is a professor at Seoul National University in South Korea and Distinguished Lecturer at the Robotics and Automation Society (RAS). The event will also count with the participation of the MSU STARX Team, which will give a presentation about soft actuated robotic exoskeleton systems and their participation in nationwide competitions.

Kyu Jin Cho 2Dr. Kyu-Jin Cho is a Professor and the Director of Soft Robotics Research Center and Biorobotics Lab at Seoul National University. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from MIT and his B.S and M.S. from Seoul National University. He was a post-doctoral fellow at Harvard Microrobotics Laboratory before joining SNU. He has been exploring novel soft bio-inspired robot designs, including a water jumping robot, flytrap inspired robot, origami inspired robots and a soft wearable robot for the hand, called Exo-Glove.

 Food and refreshments will be provided.

If you have any questions, please contact

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